Thursday, June 5, 2014


I do like reading fashion blogs, even though lots of fashion journalists rightly faulted us some lack of competence. There are still a great number of blogs which actually do reviewing, writing and picturing flow of fashion on beautiful photographs. These blogs are not just base on very narcissistic showing up while some of them, precisely!

I think fashion bloggers have started a necessary dialog. Before, fashion was addressed more for elites and outsiders ( as I and others), have always wanted to also be inside. The fashion blogs opened a curtain on what is going on the scene for the outsiders. As a result, this kind of democracy that blogs brought into fashion should be glorified!

You can like it or not, but modern fashion seems to live and breathe more on the fashion blogs than on the pages of magazines where fashion as a text is too passive...

Yesterday, I did not start my morning cup of coffee over a fashion magazine, but after a conversation with another fashion blogger. It was a fun to talk with someone who does think similarly, when your fashion taste has found a new friend. Well, I did not think twice while looking on Noelia´s amount of rings. The view was intriguing... I grabbed my camera and took these ones which I wanted to share with you today!

Get some inspirations and stay beautiful!



Pants: ASOS
Top: Baum und Pferdgarten
Shoes: Tommy Hilfiger
Vest: Le Grenier

       Noelia´s blog: 


  1. Really good post, Inez. There is much I agree with regarding your perception of fashion blogging. Great pictures, as well.



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