Saturday, December 15, 2012

Danish design

Until the 90´s Europe really didn´t hear about Danish fashion. Nowadays,  Danish fashion is well recognised and many talented designers graduate form Kunsthåndværkerskolen, the designer school is held in Copenhagen.

Vero Moda and Bruuns Bazaar are the most successful Danish brands. Somehow with Vero Moda at the top, with its brand in 42 countries all over the world. Style of Vero Moda changes all time.
Some collections are more soaked in vintage, others are more classic and simple. However, the clothes are not too extravagant and not too expensive.

Todays, Danish fashion is in competition with Swedish fashion. Much more then with Norwegian, I would like to say. However, the two also inspire each other. Swedish Brands ( H&M, Weekdays, Monkey) do well in DK, and vice versa.


Vero Moda

Alexa Chung, the 28 year old British beauty, television presenter and style icon is the face of Vero Moda since 2011. Below are some photos from the newest collection.



Bruuns Bazaar 

                                                   All photographs from:

Danish Fashion Institute

The institute is set up to promote danish fashion abroad. It works closely with designers, model agencies, fashion houses, fashion photographers and advertisements agencies. The purpose is to develop an extensive global network to support Danish fashion forward. Inaugurated on November 1, 2005.

The biggest initiative of the Danish Fashion Institute is Copenhagen Fashion Week and one main goal to promote Danish fashion locally and globally. Its really huge event with very relaxed atmosphere and lots of event going on side. The next one takes a place at the end of January 2013:). I am really looking forward to take a part in it!


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