Monday, January 28, 2013

Vintage break!

Yes, fashion points towards a fresh start, but regardless of new trends in Denmark, new seasons, stores,  sales even New Year, one thing seems to be steady that remains a constant - every women wants to wow! But how? Let´s see, how does a vintage style of Kreet with rocky twist of modern feminity has the power to seduce. See the photos and refresh your wardrobe for 2013. Wear dresses, look messy, girly and hit rest as she does!
Vintage dress - H&M, vest -Vila

 Vintage dress - H&M, jacket - Monki

Skirt - Urban Outfitters, Top - Primark, Jacket - New Yorker

Jacket Monki

Suggestion for very popular hairdo in DK.

Dress Bik Bok, shoes Dope

Model: Kreet Kaarma, photos myself


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